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發布時間:2021-12-31 15:08:38



Dear users:

         At about 11 o'clock this morning, it was discovered that the cloud server storage cluster in Hong Kong's three districts was abnormal and the business of all three districts' cloud computing users was affected. After an emergency investigation by engineers, the business was resumed before 13:00. At present, all businesses in the test have returned to normal. If there are still problems, please submit a work order in time. Baisha Cloud promises that the product cannot be used normally due to the failure of Baisha Cloud. We will provide 100 times the failure time to make up for our apologies. The 200-hour compensation for this failure has been completed, and the expiration time of all Hong Kong three-zone cloud servers has been extended by 200 hours. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by this failure, and we will also draw inferences from one another to avoid the same failure from appearing again. At the same time, I wish you all a happy new year 2022 and all the best!
